Usually, announcements will pop up for users when they log on. Users can choose to Acknowledge or Read Later. If the user decides to read later they can find the announcement in the Announcements widget. 

Widget View

The Announcements widget displays all pinned announcements and announcements that the user has not yet acknowledged. Pinned announcements will have a pin icon and regular announcements will have an 'X' instead. Users will be able to see for each announcement the title, the date it was posted, and a preview of the body of the announcement.

Opening Announcements

The announcement can be read in its entirety by clicking on the announcement. Opening a regular announcement will be an acknowledgment and remove the announcement from the widget. Opening a pinned announcement will allow the user to read the announcement without removing it from the widget. Users can also react to announcements with a heart or thumbs-up.

Dismissing Announcements

Users can dismiss a regular announcement by clicking on the 'X' to the right of the announcement. After clicking the 'X' button on the announcement, the system allows the user to undo their option by clicking the undo button. After it is dismissed, the announcement can be found in the Announcements tab in the class it is from.