The point score feature is for when you do not want to use the normal A-F grading scale for activities and create your own. Examples could be if you want Pass/Fail marks or 1-5 marks. If you want to change the scales and marks for a class grade see our Grading Scale feature instead.

How to set up the Point Score feature

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and open the user settings by clicking on My Profile.
  2. Now locate the Gradebook Settings on the left side of the page and click on Point Score Settings.
  3. Click on the +Custom Scale to create a new custom scale. This will then take teachers to the New Custom Scale screen where you can customize and start to build a point score system for any class.
  4. First, start by giving your point score scale a title, then you can choose to add a description.
  5. After you have finished filling out the first portion of your custom Point Score, scroll down to the Mark and % of Max Score section. This is where you can start to customize what type of Point Score system you would like to utilize for your class. You can either use the default markers or delete them and add your own custom markers and choose the scores that fit the needs of your class.
  6. Once you have completed your desired customized Point Score, click on the Save button to save the work you have just completed. 

How to use the Point Score feature

  1. In your activity's settings, go to the Grading section.
  2. Open the dropdown menu under Point Score, and select the Point Score scale you want to use for this assignment.
  3. Now when you grade a student's submission, instead of entering points you can select the mark they earned from a dropdown of the scale you had selected for the assignment.