How To Access Your Grading Categories

  1. From the dashboard click on the class, you would like to create grading categories for.
  2. The next step is to open the setup class tab in the bottom left-hand corner.
  3. Once you have opened the setup class tab on the class you have selected, there will be another little tab with subcategories.
  4. From here you will click on the tab labeled Grading, right under General Information.
  5. Once you have opened the Grading tab for the class, you will select the Setup Categories section.

How to Set Up Your Grading Categories

  1. Once the Setup Categories tab is open, you can click on the +Categories button to start creating the types of categories you wish to grade in a more organized fashion.
  2. Each type of category is filled out manually, this allows you to create tailored made categories for your class. For each category you are given the following options to customize that category:
    • Category: You can name your own categories that are designed to help you structure the types of activities you wish to grade. These types of categories can be from homework to exams.
    • Weight: By clicking on the weight category options, you can manually input the weight that each category is graded by. This allows you the option of choosing what categories will impact your student's grades the most.
    • Color: Each category you create for grading will come with an assigned color block to help you and your students navigate how certain activities are being graded. By clicking on the color you can manually choose which color you would like for each grading category.
    • # of Lowest Scores to Drop: This section allows you to automatically drop the specified number of the lowest scores in that category. This option can be used instead of manually excusing say three assignments per student.
    • Actions: The action section allows you to delete the category you created for grading. The actions section is a great and easy way of correcting mistakes.
  3. Another key feature is the weight category. This category allows you to manually change or place the weight of the grade for each category grade.
  4. We hope you have had a wonderful experience using eKadence, and make sure to reach out to a representative if you have any questions or if the information is not clear. Thank you for using eKadence, paving the way to a better future.