When creating Assignments or Assessments, teachers have the ability to create Matching questions. 

Creating a Matching Question

To add a new Matching question, click on the Work/Questions tab for the selected Assignment or Assessment. Then, mouse over the [+] Insert Content button and click on Matching under the Questions column. 

Adding Content to Matching Questions

At the top of any Matching question is a text box that teachers can use to input instructions and/or relevant content. Below this is matching pairs that are divided into Questions on the left and Answers on the right. Teachers can input content into the text boxes given for these matching pairs.

By default, a newly generated Matching question will have 4 matching pairs, but teachers are free to add as many individual Questions and Answers as desired by clicking on [+] Question or [+] Answer at the bottom of the content block. There can be more Answers than Questions and vice versa. 

Assigning Answers to a Matching Pair

After inputting the necessary content, teachers can assign individual Answers to any Question by clicking and holding on the 6-dot icon located on the left of an Answer, then dragging it into the box labeled Drop matching items here next to the desired Question. Note that more than one Answer may be assigned to a Question and to change this click the Values can be used only once checkbox at the bottom right

Deleting ContentTo delete individual Questions, click on the small icon located to the right. To delete individual Answers, click on the small trash can icon which is also located to the right. Answers that are already assigned to a Question can also be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon next to it.

Additional Features

In addition to or as a replacement for text-based content, teachers are able to input images for both Questions and Answers. To do this, mouse over the small image icon located to the left of any individual Question or Answer. Then, select either From Google Drive or From computer to search for the desired image. Images can be deleted using the trash can icon that appears to the right of an image, similar to deleting Answers

Another feature is Values can be used only once. To enable or disable it, click on the small checkbox located to the left. If enabled, this feature will prevent any Answer from being assigned to more than one Question. 

Penalty System

The Penalty System disincentivizes students from guessing by assigning a penalty for incorrect answers. Click on Penalty in the top right corner of the content block to access this feature. This activates a pop-up window where teachers can input a penalty percentage value. The penalty is a percentage value of the points a single match is worth for this Matching question. 

For example, if the Penalty Percentage is 100%, there are 4 matching questions, and the student gets two correct, guesses one incorrectly, and leaves the last one blank, then after the penalty is applied, the student will earn only 25% of the total points for this question block. (If the Penalty Percentage is 0%, then the student would earn 50% of the total points for this question, based on the two correct answers.)

Note that if the teacher sets the penalty percentage value to zero (which can be done by clicking Set Default in the pop-up window), then no additional  points are deducted for incorrect answers. Upon inputting the desired percentage value, teachers can click Save at the bottom of the pop-window to enable the Penalty System.

Once the teacher is satisfied with all of their settings for a Matching question, click Save at the bottom of the Content Editor to create it.