Notable new features:

- This release brings antivirus file scanning to all file attachments uploaded to eKadence!

- QTI support added for teachers to import content from even more platforms.

- Special characters keyboard added for foreign language support

Teacher Experience:

- Fixed issue with embedded Google slides

- Multiple choice questions - added option to keep answers in position so they don't randomize. For example you can now have "All the above" or "None of the above" as always the last option, with the other options still being randomized.

- Minor improvements to Question bank

- Improved "Preview" button in Assignments/Assessments

- Changed Google drive file types to be handled as direct links rather than file downloads. This makes it a link to click rather than a file students have to download.

- Matching questions - improved the setup and creation of 1:1 and 1:n matching questions. Penalty scoring is also now possible.

Student Experience:

- Send email notifications when someone replies to their discussion post

- Progress bars in Modules now take into account assignments that are marked completed manually (no-submission assignments)

Admin Experience:

- Allow escalating site-level users to organization-level

- Added manual CSV import of users and rosters